Gold Investment


RBG expertise, based on many years of experience, may help you make a decision on GOLD investment.

This is a FREE SERVICE at this time.

Your success could determine our success in the future.

The service we provide:    

   A detailed analysis of selected United Kingdom mining companies




RBG research is based on published company information which is qualified by caution regarding forward-looking statements.

Forward-looking estimates include the economic outlook for the mining industry, expectations regarding precious metal prices, currency exchange rates, production, capital and working costs and the outlook for the various mining operations.

These forward-looking estimates involve risk, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual future results to differ materially from the results forecast.

Investors are therefore cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking estimates.



UK gold has been included in our recent research. 

The following file includes an anlysis of some UK gold companies.